to my peeps:

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Friday, June 29, 2007

Catfish Jim Defeats Carpfish Jeff!!!!!!! / Zinger!!!

yes, its true!!. i protected my world-title belt against the nasty carpfisherman Jeffers!!! he even tried to cheat.!! he used corn*** dastardly.. Our day started as usual with a little friendly indian-leg wrestling. from then on it elevated to a full bore fishing tourney!!! jeff's carpy-nessis only rivaled by his love of smarmy-ness. all in all... a great day. we fought. we bonded. we loved. not each other. but just those quiet inbetween times. a musky man has a LOT of inbetween time. (just ask Erik (a.k.a.judge judy.. about the lotion incident?) And its all true, i would not lie to you; my catfish brethren.
yesterday i had one of the biggest zingers of my Life!!! No, not the chocolate twinkie-like objects that are so yummy. i am speaking of the sound of your drag when a catfish (or carp) grabs that bait and heads for the hills. If you ever hear..."zzzzzzzz...sploosh" your rods in the water (empirical knowledge). I had just cast out a couple rods and was contemplating my third rods terminal rigging, when lo and behold!! my drag started screaming like my crazy neighbor's wife!!! I was sure this was a behemoth, or a small guy hot to trot. i lifted the pole and .... must've just had the bait in its mouth.. only bite of the afternoon. shux.
i've been busy campin a little and getting my goldsmith bench finalized. a lot of small details in all to get a comprehensive jeweler's bench built. my girlie has been so supportive of it all. she's whats kept me going on this mission. so, if you'd like any custom jewelery brothers. let me know!! jim

1 comment:

shanepatrickwrites said...

i'd love two custom jewelry brothers.