to my peeps:

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Friday, October 31, 2008

happy Halloween!!! the end is near

i heard on the radio this week that a cemetery had a vandal dig up a body of a baby lately. they only found parts of the casket, no remains. ever see the omen??? i guess the anti-christ is not! sara Palin. some damn kids
'bood" me yesterday and left candy on my front porch. damn kids.
i'll be goin out as the unknown comic tonite, or as i call it "bagman" another forgotten criminal mastermind from the batman comix. just use a regular issue brown bag from the market, cut out some eye holes and away you go! you gotta go out!! what other day of the year do perfect strangers give out candy??? maybe i'll color one bag white and go as!! thats some funny shit man. just watched Scarface for the first time, and finished up with B classic "attack of the Killer Tomatoes" i have finished the K. tomatoes and am finally free...yea. cfj.. p.s. dad's commin up to fish, maybe a musky this year?

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