to my peeps:

thanks for reading. this blog shall expire in 24 hours.

Monday, April 30, 2007


hi all, sorry i haven't written for awhile. been very busy as spring is here and finally can get some things done. canoed around the wisco with Sexy bait girl yestrday. had fun and checked out re asecret "camp-catfish".. an old earthen fire ring, probably from early cave man catfisherman is all that remains. we are goin to do camp catfish this fall and you're all invited!!
i did have an off meeting with the splinter -cell bait group last week. i could not take a photo, but i did have a sit-down with them. as i am a "made -man", gettin bait will be no problemo. well off to work on saabs at my buddy York's shop. i have learned how to rebuild and entire saab transmission in about an hour.. there are many facets to catfishjim no??
plus. a new crime syndicate has established itself in town as 2 cars were stolen in town last week. unfortunately, the audi that was boosted was in possession by York's wife. so. they may be trying to get a message to me through my friends. My friends Are my Family, so we may have a turf war. time to call my specialist in. the "wasteman". more later.

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